Friday, March 20, 2009


Today I bid goodbye to friends. No, I wasn’t going away. They were. Casualties of the economic recession. They were not healthcare workers like myself. I’m a misfit: A middle-aged nurse in a call center, working with predominantly young and younger people. I feel some pride that I’m not an economic casualty just as yet. To think that I’ve bested many of these young people gives me some additional measure of confidence. But my good feelings are short-lived. I kind of miss their annoying, juvenile quips and their seeming lack of seriousness. But they’re young! Just like I was 20 or so years ago. My friends, I really enjoyed our relatively brief time together; working with you and having a glimpse of the more personal aspects of your lives. Move forward! You’re young! The world is yours!

As for myself, I shall move on like what I’ve always done. God and my loves inspire me to go on.

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