Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Brief Life

Excuse me
I'm just passing through
and I wish to see
everything beautiful and ugly, too.
I want to see and be
where a mountain meets the sea
or where a swift river
empties into an ocean
or where a vast golden meadow
melts into the bluest of sky
or on a summit's solace atop cumuli.
Inasmuch as I want to see happy faces
with crow's feet and wrinkles that coax
skins into pleasant smiles
I need as well to glimpse tears
that well up and fall
into the depths of sadness and despair
grimaces, too, and the empty gazes of hopelessness.
I may need to immerse myself
in gluttony and vile
and turpitude by all names
to be indifferent
to wrinkled, begging palms
to pleading, dirty faces of street urchins
if only to be human, to be frail
to be out of grace, to be damned
to glimpse both beautiful and ugly
taste and smell delicious and revolting
experience happy and sad.

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